Stories in Text
This section is dedicated to the first-hand experiences written by Lemp Mansion guests over the years.
Please click on date or title to read an entry.

August 21, 1994
My fiance and I came here to celebrate his birthday. After the staff left and the other guests were asleep we took advantage of the opportunity to explore the Mansion. John and I searched the three main floors for any sign of ghosts or goblins. Finding nothing, we decided to venture down into the basement. As we crept down the stairs to the shadowy rooms below, a chill came over us. Tales of the Lemp hauntings rang in our ears. Just as we peered around a corner, a heavy metal door released its latch with a loud thud and creaked slowly open. John and I didn't wait to see what came out of that door; we raced back to our room and stayed there until room service the next morning.
November 19, 1994
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What a night! We started off with cocktails in the bar then on to the Dinner Theatre. We really had a good time. Then it was time to head back to our room for a night filled with voices, crashes, footsteps and poundingon the walls. Its true! It all happened around 3:15 am. Now whether someone was playing tricks or not we will never know. Well only have the memory of our wonderful stay at the Lemp Mansion.
P.S. If there really were ghosts - they were all very friendly
December 31, 1994
At about 3:30 a.m. I was in bed asleep and the springs on the bed started pinging as if someone was under the bed pulling and letting go. I jumped out of bed and into the hall. I only went back when daylight broke and then only slept on the couch.
January 21, 1995
Charles' suite is a lovely room, but while we were unpacking our things for our stay, we set 2 bottles on the south windowsill. A few minutes laterwe both turned our backs to the sill and the bottles crashed to the floor! Those bottles were no where near the edge.
February 5, 1995
While here celebrating a birthday with another couple, I went to use the bathroom and noticed two cold spots. The room overall was warm except for the two cold spots. I asked my husband to to walk around the bathroom. He picked up the same cold spots. He refused to go back into the bathroom for the rest of the night. He and I have noticed strange things on previous visits to the restaurant. The food and room more than made up for the cold spots.
Submitted November 20, 2008
I booked a room at the Lemp probably about 5 years ago. As soon as I checked in, the fun started. The TV turned off and wouldn't work and the faucet in the bathroom started dripping. I went to the casino for a while and thought maybe later, I could just go to sleep. Well, when I returned and tried to sleep, the piano in the hall played by itself! Needless to say, I was very frightened... I left in the middle of the night. I would love to try my stay again someday!
- Sheron
Submitted December 30, 2008
My husband and I went to the mansion for lunch in 2007. We were having a very nice lunch and enjoying a cold Lemp beer. Suddenly, I felt something or someone, tugging on my back pocket. It happened about 3 times!! We then went around taking pictures. The staff were so very friendly. We were out in the garden area, when my cell phone started ringing. I went to answer was husband and I were the only two out there. Then on our way to our car..suddenly the battery door on my digital camera flew open and the batteries fell out. all of my pics were gone....weird...
Kim S.
Submitted March 24, 2009
A few years ago, I was attending a christmas party at the restuarant. Well, nature called and I was alone in ladies room, or so I thought. the door loudly opened and footsteps walked over to the stall and rattled the door. I thought someone needed to use the facilities so I told them I would be right out. No response and no movement. I hurried and opened the stall door and nobody was there at all! I noticed the temp in the room was very cold. Needless to say, I washed my hands and got out of there quick.
Kim D.
Submitted April 17, 2009
In September, 2006, my husband and I stayed in the Lavender room. My husband was not a believer in the after life. In the beginning of the evening, he would joke around, trying to scare me. I personnaly have had experiances with spirits. Many things happened throughout the evening, but the most memorable, was when I started to take pictures of our room, my husband grabbed a bottle of beer and said "Who are you looking for? Billy Lemp!" He started to laugh. He then raised his beer and said "This ones for you Billy!" At that second, the curtain, literately flew off the window and hit the floor! The look on his face was priceless! While driving home the next day, I asked him "Now do you believe in after life?" He just shooked his head, and mumbled, "I can't explain what happened there!" He still, to this day, denies being convinced that spirits are real!
Submitted May, 2009
I had the pleasure of meeting the editor of this page at the wake the dead dinner a few weeks ago. At the time we showed you a picture on my girlfriends camera of the gentleman staring at you in the window on the top level. We have yet to submit the photo to you but im sure you remember it. Well we got a room this past friday in the elsa room. I'll tell you now the experience we had was mind blowing. Things were quite until about 1am we were going out back to smoke and while talking about it a lady coughed clearly next to us was the first unexplainable incident. We pushed it aside and figured it could of been another occupant of the floor. Then we came up and layed in the bed and set up the camera to take some audio and about 2 minutes into the audio we heard a loud booming noise and it sounded like a large very large object hitting the floor next to my girlfriend. I shut the camera off and turned on the light to search the room and nothing was on the floor. But it sound as if it came from the headboard of the bed and landed next to my girlfriend on the rightside of the bed. Upon review of the audio, which was located on the dresser by the bathroom, we caught the noise as clear as day. Then karen started dosing off around 2:45am and around 3:10 i felt strange and thought I heard someone talking but thought I was just tired. Then a whisper clear as day whispered in my ear "you need to go" so I woke karen up and told her. then we got dressed to leave and she asked me to pick up her shoes. As I reached down to get her shoes i was pulled back from grabing them and felt sick instantly to my stomach. Then as soon as I said what is going on well i cursed, there was a scream but not a normal scream it started low and then carried throughout the room. So we took off down the stairs to leave and you could hear footsteps sorta of chasing us down the stairs. We got to my car and I instantly threw up and i never throw up even when im sit. My girlfriend believes that a spirit was trying to get in!
I rejected it and thats why I was sick and thats why whatever it was let that screeching weary scream out. For me the experience makes me more interested in the subject and curious if maybe im volunerable to the spirits. Also if I could afford to go back I would stay a weekend just to see and confirm what has happened to me. I didn't feel right the next day as well.
Dan and Karen
Submitted June 6, 2009
A few years ago my mom, her friend, my friend, and I were going to the mansion to have lunch. We were treated very kindly by all of the staff. Our Waitress seated us in the main dinning room by the window. While eating my friend Nina decided to record a video because we had both wanted to come to the mansion for a while now and thought of the day as a once in a life time chance. Us, both living nearby were very aware of it's ghostly history. while video taping we both heard a distinct woman scream coming from the bathroom. My mother and her friend obviously did not hear the unexplained noise for they did not stop their conversation. Nina and I excused ourselfs from the table to go and investigate the noise. When we got to the bathroom we cracked the door slightly and then opened it all the way to find it completely empty. The only noise heard was that of the bartender pouring a glass of beer. Shocked, surprised and scared we rushed back to our seats where we both said nothing to my mother and her friend about the unexplained scream. The Lemp Mansion is a very rare place that everyone looking for a thrill or chill should visit. I hope to stay the night and take a ghostly tour.
P.S. We caught this scream on video so we know that what we heard was real.
Natalie N.
Submitted October 12, 2009
My wife and I visited the Lemp Mansion on Sunday, October 11, 2009. We enjoyed our lunch, our tour of the mansion, and the experiences we encountered.
During our lunch, I was reading about "The Family" in your brochure. As I began the first paragraph, a feeling of a headache began to form in the upper left portion of my forehead. Then, as I read the part about William J. Lemp shooting himself in the head, my body felt extremely heavy as if it was being pushed to the ground. Interestingly, both of the feelings dissapated in about 15 seconds as I continued to read.
I was later shocked when my wife, who did not know of my experience, claimed she had one in the women's bathroom on the main floor. There, she reported seeing a black shadow pass over her head as the door closed behind her. She said she ducked and swatted at whatever had passed, but saw nothing when she turned around to see what it was.
Finally, as we toured the third floor, both of us felt uncomfortable and unwanted near the bedrooms. This feeling was very different from the second floor where we felt at ease in rooms such as the Charles and William Lemp bedrooms.
We enjoyed our visit to the Lemp Mansion and hope to return in the future, possibily for an overnight stay.
Jacob & Kori T.
16th Birthday
I stayed the night at the Lemp with a couple of friends for my 16th birthday. While there we got locked out of our room, while a man who looks to be Louis Lemp took a picture of himself on our camera. We heard numerous footsteps from the attic, and saw a small boy walk past our bed (in the Louis Suite) and into the bathroom, and then shutting the door, that is after we heard a man talking outside our room, when no one else was even in the house. Along with a strange, sudden, overwhelming disgusting smell coming from the bathroom, which immediately disappeared. I've attached the picture of the man we believe to be Louis, and we do know for sure it was not a reflection of one of us, something or someone (visible) in the room.
Sabrina Smith
Ghostly Phenomena, Adam White
In early 2005, I brought a friend from Oklahoma City home with me while I was on leave (I was stationed at Tinker Air Force Base). I had told her about the reported ghostly phenomena at the Lemp Mansion. During a slow period in the day, we came in and took some pictures throughout the mansion. In the attached file, I am the guy standing in the door frame and my friend was the photographer. This picture was taken with a Sony DHC-1000. Unfortunately, the original JPEG file was lost. The attached file is a copy in which I highlighted the reflection in a mirror. To the best of my recollection, there was absolutely nothing that could have caused a reflection like this. You can clearly see the features of an older male (eyes, brow, nose, mouth, even the tight-lipped scowl), and the face seems to fill the entire frame of the mirror! I can assure you,vthe only doctoring done to the photo was to highlight the features within the mirror.
We experienced other phenomena, like a very prominent cold spot on the stairs nearing Elsa's Room at the top of the staircase, and orbs captured on film throughout the historic building.
Lemp Story, Shannon Rehlmeyer
This occured many years ago, perhaps 10 or more, so I'll try to recall it as accurately as possible. The company I worked for held a district-wide meeting in the mansion, and those of us from out of town were lucky enough to spend the previous night in the mansion. There were about 6 or 8 of us staying in the second floor rooms. I believe the room I stayed in may have been the Charles Lemp Suite, while some of my collegues stayed in the Lavender Suite. My friend and co-worker, Lorri and I felt adventurous, and prowled around the mansion late in the evening with a small flashlight, and were fascinated by the place, having arrived after dark, and let into our room by another co-worker. We were told there were no hotel employees or guests other than our group in the mansion that night, and we felt brave enough to try to investigate every nook and cranny.
As we went from top to bottom of the hotel, trying to figure out from the brochure where we were, and who lived (or died) where, etc., we encountered nothing really "unusual"... until our roommate, Lona, called in a hushed voice from the top of the stairs that she was hearing noises in our room. We thought her imagination was getting the best of her, since she was too afraid to go with us on our midnight prowl.
Finally, as we got ready for bed, and I was laying down on the sofa in our room, the lights started flickering, which was very eerie, since I was the one closest to the lamp, and knew that the others were not playing a trick of some kind. But we laughed that off to old wiring or something and finally went to sleep.
But that is not the strangest part of my story. The next morning, as we were getting ready for our business meeting, to be held downstairs, we all took turns using the fabulous shower in the Lavender Room. Our room had no adjoining bath, and the bathroom across the hall had only a tub. I was the last to use the shower, and was running late getting ready for the meeting. Everyone else was already downstairs as I went back across the hall to do my makeup and blow dry my hair. On my way to the meeting, before I started down the front stairs, I glanced back, and was startled to see a man in a robe (and perhaps slippers), either heading into, or maybe leaving the Lavender Suite. (I can't actually remember which.) I looked away rather quickly, a little uncomfortable and confused to see a stranger in his robe in the hall.)
One reason I was startled to see this man is because I was just using the shower in that room approx. 20 minutes before, and knew that my collegues (who were all women) still had their belongings in there, as we had not yet checked out. Also, we had been told that we were the only guests in the mansion that night, and encountered no one else while roaming all over the building.
I told one of the women staying in that room that I saw a man in the hallway either entering or leaving her room. We couldn't imagine why an employee would go in to clean it wearing a robe, or if he was actually going to use the shower, as we had.) Either way, Anya was concerned, and said she was going to talk with a hotel employee about it. I didn't think any more about it during the meetings, and afterwards and we were given an "official" tour of the mansion. I decided that the man HAD to be an employee of the mansion, as everyone at our meeting was female, and the woman who led the tour confirmed that there were no male guests in the mansion that night.
Days later, I remembered to ask Anya what she found out about the mysterious man when she asked. She said that she was assured that not only were there NO other registered guests besides us, but that no employee had been in the mansion overnight, and the maid was female.
I still don't know to this day if the man I saw from a distance in that dim hallway was actually a live person who was not supposed to be there, or someone from the past who still believes that the mansion is his home, and comes and goes as he pleases...
So many years have passed, and although I've repeated this story a few times, I began to doubt what I saw as well. I wish someone else had been there with me to see it, too because it just sounds too far-fetched. But when I re-visited the mansion with my son and husband for New Year's Day lunch, when the top floor was being renovated, we were allowed to look in each of the rooms as the maid was cleaning them. Being there again brought the whole scenario back again, including the robed man in the hallway, as clear as day.
"The Family"
My wife and I visited the Lemp Mansion on Sunday, October 11, 2009. We enjoyed our lunch, our tour of the mansion, and the experiences we encountered.
During our lunch, I was reading about "The Family" in your brochure. As I began the first paragraph, a feeling of a headache began to form in the upper left portion of my forehead. Then, as I read the part about William J. Lemp shooting himself in the head, my body felt extremely heavy as if it was being pushed to the ground. Interestingly, both of the feelings dissapated in about 15 seconds as I continued to read.
I was later shocked when my wife, who did not know of my experience, claimed she had one in the women's bathroom on the main floor. There, she reported seeing a black shadow pass over her head as the door closed behind her. She said she ducked and swatted at whatever had passed, but saw nothing when she turned around to see what it was.
Finally, as we toured the third floor, both of us felt uncomfortable and unwanted near the bedrooms. This feeling was very different from the second floor where we felt at ease in rooms such as the Charles and William Lemp bedrooms.
We enjoyed our visit to the Lemp Mansion and hope to return in the future, possibily for an overnight stay.
Jacob Tresenriter
Silver Cross
It's been over 10 yrs. now, but my neices,nephews and I decided to come over to Lemp Mansion, as we had several times in the past, and ck out the place. This particular evening we decided to arrive late, so that maybe the employees were too busy to give us the tour and maybe let us have free run of the place. They did. We went from top to bottom. We went into the attic, it was dark and dusty and we saw an old wicker baby carriage and an old wicker/wooden wheel chair. There was a large hole in the floor of this same room, (I tell you all of this so you will know that I HAVE been up there and HAVE seen these things...things I am sure not many people have seen). Anyway, on our adventure, we naturally made it down to the lower floor of the mansion, and were checking out the old tiled room that used to store artwork etc...and we also were looking at the area on the floor where the entrance to the caverns has been covered. We were all looking at this at the same time. As we walked away and I was the last in line, I turned around and glimpsed something laying on the floor, right in the center of the tiles that cover the cavern, something that wasn't there when we were all looking at the same time....I picked it up and it is a tiny tarnished old silver cross. I picked it up and took it home.
Now maybe I hadn't realized it over the years, but maybe the bad luck I have had came from having this cross.
Just this past May, I told the story to a neighbor and asked him if wanted to keep the cross for awhile and see if my luck got better or if his did or if his luck got worse. His got worse, way worse, without going into detail. I want to bring this cross back and put it where I found it and if you do not let me, then I will get it back into the house one way or another. Today is Sept. 17, 2009 and I have had the cross back in my possession for 2 days now and I looked on here and found this site and am even more anxious now to get rid of this cross.
I have dined at the mansion several times and have wandered around the mansion just as many times. I have visited the Lemp Masoleum several times... some of the Pabst people are buried in there also.
If there are such things as ghosts/spirits, then I have been around these Lemp ghosts/spirits, enough for them to know me too.
Friend's Wedding
My husband and I stayed here for a friends wedding in 2006. Upstairs in the attic area. We knew the place was haunted, but we didn't believe. We got to our room and the windows would not stay shut, the tv kept turning on, after a few choice swear words I again climbed a chair to lock the window and then unplugged the tv
We then went down to dinner. The person checking us in told us to lock our doors as people tend to explore the house at all hours until it closes. When we were in the room after dinner, some people came up the stairs exploring and we turned out the light and locked the door to our room and made creepy noises to scare them. They went downstairs in a hurry. We thought it was funny.
However, the laugh was on us later. We went to bed around 11 pm, Around 3am, I was awoken to what felt like someone had yelled in my ear. A male voice, with an accent said "you sure have a potty mouth " My eyes flew open but I could only see my breath as the room was freezing cold. My husband who didnt want to stay there because of the reputation, slept thru the whole thing. At first light we were out of there. We couldn't get the front door open so we went down the fire escape. CANT WAIT TO COME BACK!
Cynthia Loy
Haunted Cell Phone
My two daughters and I were staying the night We never made it all night. I myself knew that it was haunted when my cell phone began to change colors on the screen and then fade as if it was playing a game with me. My oldest saw water in bath tub when there was none. All night I kept on opening our bedroom door as if some one was standing on the other side. We left at 2:30 in morning!
Karen F.
Submitted October 31, 2010
You wouldn't believe what happened to me tonight at the Lemp Mansion. I was leaving the William Lemp Suite with my daughter when I saw a reflection in a picture on the wall that looked just like William Lemp. I said, "Hello, William," and he smiled at me and the image blurred and disappeared! My daughter grabbed my arm and said she heard a man's voice say, "hello," at the same time. It can't be a coincidence, can it??? We both had chills.
Loretta F.